Diane's Math Notes
College Algebra with Applications (Survey of Modeling Functions and Graphs)
Based on
Elementary Mathematical Modeling Functions and Graphs by Davis & Edwards
Graphing Data From Lists, Tables & Formulas
Linear Regression: Finding the Best Fit Linear Equation using Graphing Calculators
Solving Pairs of Linear Equations Using Graphing Calculators
Solving Systems of Linear Equations using Graphing Calculators
Calculus I (text independent)
Graphing a function of y on a graphing calculator: x = f(y)
Finding inverses for secant, cosecant and cotangent on a calculator
Calculus II (text independent)
Infinite Series: What they are and how to find if they converge or diverge
Partial Fraction Decomposition
Calculus III
Based on
Calculus Concepts & Contexts (3e) by James Stewart
Conic Sections Formulas (review)
Vectors and the Geometry of Space (Chapter 9) formula sheet
Vector Functions (Chapter 10) formula sheet
Partial Derivatives (Chapter 11) formula sheet
Differential Equations
Loosely based on
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (8e) by Boyce & DiPrima
Procedures for Solving Differential Equations
Finding the nth Root of a Complex Number
Matrix Review Sheet
Superposition Method
Partial Fraction Decomposition (review)
Infinite and Power Series (review)
Linear Algebra (text independent)
Solving Systems of Equations on a Graphing Calculator
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Based on
Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach (7e) by Bluman
Basic Statistics Using Graphing Calculators
Descriptive Statistics Formulas
Probability Formulas
Discrete Probability Distributions
Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing Formulas
How to Tell Which Hypothesis Test or Confidence Interval To Use
Chi Square Tests
Correlation and Linear Regression
Summary of Statistical Procedures
Introduction to Engineering Statistics
Based on
Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences by Devore
Basic Statistics Using Graphing Calculators
Quality Control Charts
Confidence Intervals and Sample Sizes
Hypothesis Testing
Chi Square Tests
Analysis of Variance
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