Printing Screens Using Windows

1.      Display screen you want to capture.

2.      Do you want to capture the whole screen or the active window?

     Whole screen (see Figure 1): press Print Screen key.

Whole screen capture

     Active window (see Figure 2): Hold down Alt key while pressing Print Screen key.

Active window screen capture

3.      Open either a word-processing program (Word), free-drawing program (Paint) or image editor (Photoshop)

4.      If necessary include your name, date, etc.

5.      Paste the screen into the application software: hold down the Ctrl key and press v or right-click in an open screen area and select Paste from the shortcut menu.

6.      If necessary, save the screen: open the File menu, select Save As, select the file type and click on the Save button. For Internet applications use either a PNG or JPG file type.

7.      Use application to print the screen. Note that a whole screen is best printed in a landscape page orientation.

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