Module 10 Study Questions
Technology in Action (6th Ed.)
Pages 472 to 485 & Pages 530 to 565

  1. Be able to define the following key terms:
    1. Artificial Intelligence
    2. Click-stream data
    3. Data integrity
    4. Database
    5. Database administrator
    6. Database query
    7. Expert system
    8. Export
    9. Foreign key
    10. Information systems
    11. Primary key
    12. Real-time processing
    13. Referential integrity
    14. Relational database
    15. SQL (structured query language)
    16. Validation

  2. After reading the Careers in IT section on pages 472 to 485, which IT job is the most interesting to you? Include a brief explanation of why this job appeals to you and perform an Internet search to find the salary you could expect to be paid. Cite the Internet source you used to find this salary using either the MLA or APA styles shown on page 124.

NOTE: Another name computer people use for a list is flat file.
  1. Identify two problems associated with maintaining data as multiple lists.

  2. What are three advantages and three disadvantages associated with databases?

  3. What are the three main components of a database?

  4. Identify and describe seven common data types that can be assigned to a field.

  5. What are the four main operations of a database management system (DBMS)?

NOTE: Many software applications can import data created by other applications. The means the data is formatting so it can be easily incorporated in files used and saved by the receiving software application.
  1. Identify two ways data can be entered into a new database.

  2. Briefly describe five types of validation checks that can be performed on database data and be able to give examples of each type of check.

  3. What are the four functions that every information system performs?

  4. Identify and describe five categories of information systems.

  5. What did you find interesting in this week’s reading that was not part of a study guide question?

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