Module 1 Study Questions
Technology in Action (6th Ed.)
Pages 3 to 52

  1. Be able to define the following key terms:
    1. Affective computing
    2. Binary digit (bit)
    3. Binary language
    4. Byte
    5. Computer
    6. Computer forensics
    7. Data mining
    8. Hardware
    9. Information technology
    10. Nanotechnology
    11. Operating system (OS)
    12. PC
    13. Peripheral device
    14. Software

  2. Identify eight skills associated with a savvy computer user.

  3. What are your opinions on the following technology related questions? More thought than yes or no is required for full credit.
    1. Should a company be allowed to collect personal data from Web site visitors without their permission? How about your company using technology for surveillance of your email and other office activities?
    2. Should spam (unsolicited email sent as mass mailings) be illegal? If so, what penalties should be levied on people who send spam?
    3. Is it ethical to download copyrighted music off the Internet without paying for it?
    4. Is it ethical to copy software purchased by someone else, like games or tax preparation programs, onto your computer? How about copying software you have purchased from the computer in your office to your computer at home?
    5. Should we rely on computers to make life and death decisions, like when to remove life support from a comatose patient?
    6. Should we give computers control of critical activities, like flying an airplane from one place to another without human intervention?

  4. In what year and for what computer or software were the following first introduced:
    1. Personal computer
    2. Disk storage for a personal computer
    3. Portable computer
    4. A small computer was called a personal computer
    5. Programming language to help students learn to program computers
    6. Disk operating systems for personal computers
    7. Word processing on a personal computer
    8. A mouse
    9. Web browser
    10. Digital computer

NOTE: Don’t confuse a computer’s memory with computer storage. Memory inside a computer temporarily holds the instructions and data currently being used. Turn off the power to a computer and everything in memory is lost. This is where computer storage on disks, tapes and USB drives comes into play. Computer storage is where instructions and data are permanently saved and they are not lost when the power is turned off.

  1. What are the four major functions performed by a computer?

  2. What is the difference between data and information?

  3. How many characters (letters, number or symbols) would be stored on a disk with the following storage capacity? Note: Round to the nearest 1,000 bytes.
    1. 256 kilobytes (KB)
    2. 5 megabytes (MB)
    3. 80 gigabytes (GB)

  4. What are the two main categories of software you find running on a computer and describe what each does?

  5. What did you find interesting in this week’s reading that was not part of a study guide question?

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